Finding optimal policies in Gridworld

Non-deterministic outcomes

  • The environment is stochastic yet fully observable.
  • Due to uncertainty, an action causes transition from state to another state with some probability. There is no dependence on previous states.
  • We now have a sequential decision problem for a fully observable, stochastic environment with Markovian transition model and additive rewards consisting of:
    • a set of states \(S\). State at time \(t\) is \(s_t\)
    • actions \(A\). Action at time \(t\) is \(a_t\).
    • transition model describing outcome of each action in each state \(P( s_{t+1} | s_t,a_t)\)
    • reward function \(r_t=R(s_t)\)

MDP Transition Model

Agent-Environment Interaction with Rewards

Agent-Environment Interaction with Rewards

Partial Transition Graph (A) 4x3 Maze

  • Transition Model Graph:
    • Each node is a state.
    • Each edge is the probability of transition

Utility for MDP

Robot in (3,3) of Maze

Robot in \((3,3)\) of Maze
  • Since we have stochastic environment, we need to take into account the transition probability matrix
  • Utility of a state is the immediate reward of the state plus the expected discounted utility of the next state due to the action taken
  • Bellman’s Equations: if we choose an action \(a\) then

\(U(s) = R(s) + \gamma \sum_{s^{'}} P(s^{'}| s,a)U(s^{'})\)

Robot in (3,3) of Maze

  • Suppose robot is in state \(s_{33}\) and the action taken is “RIGHT”. Also assume \(\gamma = 1\)
  • We want to compute the utility of this state: \[ U(s_{33}) = R(s_{33}) + \gamma (P(s_{43} | s_{33}, \rightarrow) U(s_{43}) + P(s_{33} | s_{33}, \rightarrow) U(s_{33}) + P(s_{32} | s_{33}, \rightarrow) U(s_{32}))\]
  • Substituting we get:

\[U(s_{33}) = R(s_{33}) + \gamma ( (0.8 \times U(s_{43})) + (0.1 \times U(s_{33})) + (0.1 \times U(s_{23})))\]

Policy for MDP

  • If we choose action \(a\) that maximizes future rewards, \(U(s)\) is the maximum we can get over all possible choices of actions and is represented as \(U^{*}(s)\).

  • We can write this as \[U^*(s) = R(s) + \gamma \underset{a}{ \max} (\sum_{s^{'}} P(s^{'}| s,a)U(s'))\]

  • The optimal policy (which recommends \(a\) that maximizes U) is given by:

\[\pi^{*}(s) = \underset{a}{\arg \max}(\sum_{s^{'}} P(s^{'}| s,a)U^{*}(s^{'}))\]

  • Can the above \(2\) be solved directly?

    • The set of \(|S|\) equations for \(U^*(s)\) cannot be solved directly because they are non-linear due the presence of ‘max’ function.

    • The set of \(|S|\) equations for \(\pi^*(s)\) cannot be solved directly as it is dependent on unknown \(U^*(s)\).

Optimal Policy for MDP

Optimal Policy and Utilities for Maze

Value Iteration

  • To solve the non-linear equations for \(U^{*}(s)\) we use an iterative approach.
  • Steps:
    • Initialize estimates for the utilities of states with arbitrary values: \(U(s) \leftarrow 0 \forall s \epsilon S\)
    • Next use the iteration step below which is also called Bellman Update:

\[V_{t+1}(s) \leftarrow R(s) + \gamma \underset{a}{ \max} \left[ \sum_{s^{'}} P(s^{'}| s,a) U_t(s^{'}) \right] \forall s \epsilon S\]

This step is repeated and updated
  • Let us apply this to the maze example. Assume that \(\gamma = 1\)

val-iter-initial Initialize value estimates to \(0\)

Value Iteration

  • Next we want to apply Bellman Update: \[V_{t+1}(s) \leftarrow R(s) + \gamma \max_{a} \left[\sum_{s^\prime} P(s^\prime | s,a)U_t(s^\prime) \right] \forall s \epsilon S\]
  • Since we are taking \(\max\) we only need to consider states whose next states have a positive utility value.
  • For the remaining states, the utility is equal to the immediate reward in the first iteration.

States to consider for value iteration

States to consider for value iteration

Value Iteration (t=0)

\[ V_{t+1}(s_{33}) = R(s_{33}) + \gamma \max_a \left[\sum_{s^{'}} P(s^{'}| s_{33},a)U(s^{'}) \right] \forall s \in S \]

\[ V_{t+1}(s_{33}) = -0.04 + \max_a \left[ \sum_{s'} P(s'| s_{33},\uparrow) U_t(s'), \sum_{s'} P(s'| s_{33},\downarrow)U_t(s'), \sum_{s'} P(s'| s_{33},\rightarrow) U_t(s'), \sum_{s'} P(s'| s_{33}, \leftarrow)U_t(s') \right]\]

\[V_{t+1}(s_{33}) = -0.04 + \sum_{s^{'}} P(s^{'}| s_{33},\rightarrow) U_t(s^\prime) \]

\[V_{t+1}(s_{33}) = -0.04 + P(s_{43}|s_{33},\rightarrow)U(s_{43})+P(s_{33}|s_{33},\rightarrow)U(s_{33})+P(s_{32}|s_{33},\rightarrow)U_t(s_{32}) \]

\[V_{t+1}(s_{33}) = -0.04 + 0.8 \times 1 + 0.1 \times 0 + 0.1 \times 0 = 0.76 \]

Value Iteration (t=1)

val-iter-step2 (A) Initial utility estimates for iteration 2. (B) States with next state positive utility

\[V_{t+1}(s_{33}) = -0.04 + P(s_{43}|s_{33},\rightarrow)U_t(s_{43})+P(s_{33}|s_{33},\rightarrow)U_t(s_{33}) +P(s_{32}|s_{33},\rightarrow)U_t(s_{32}) \]

\[V_{t+1}(s_{33}) = -0.04 + 0.8 \times 1 + 0.1 \times 0.76 + 0.1 \times 0 = 0.836\]

\[V_{t+1}(s_{23}) = -0.04 + P(s_{33}|s_{23},\rightarrow)U_t(s_{23})+P(s_{23}|s_{23},\rightarrow)U_t(s_{23}) = -0.04 + 0.8 \times 0.76 = 0.568\]

\[V_{t+1}(s_{32}) = -0.04 + P(s_{33}|s_{32},\uparrow)U_t(s_{33})+P(s_{42}|s_{32},\uparrow)U_t(s_{42}) +P(s_{32}|s_{32},\uparrow)U_t(s_{32})\] \[V_{t+1}(s_{32}) = -0.04 + 0.8 \times 0.76 + 0.1 \times -1 + 0.1 \times 0= 0.468\]

Value Iteration (t=2)

val-iter-step3 (A)Initial utility estimates for iteration 3. (B) States with next state positive utility

  • Information propagates outward from terminal states and eventually all states have correct value estimates
  • Notice that \(s_{32}\) has a lower utility compared to \(s_{23}\) due to the red oval state with negative reward next to \(s_{32}\)

Optimal Policy and Utilities for Maze

Optimal Policy and Utilities for Maze

Value Iteration - Convergence

  • Rate of convergence depends on the maximum reward value and more importantly on the discount factor \(\gamma\).
  • The policy that we get from coarse estimates is close to the optimal policy long before \(U\) has converged.
  • This means that after a reasonable number of iterations, we could use: \[\pi(s) = \arg \max_a \left[ \sum_{s^{'}} P(s^{'}| s,a)V_{est}(s^{'}) \right]\]
  • Note that this is a form of greedy policy.

value-iter-convergence Convergence of utility for the maze problem (Norvig chap 17)

  • For the maze problem, convergence is reached within 5 to 10 iterations

Policy Iteration

  • Alternates between two steps:

    • Policy evaluation: given a policy, find the utility of states
    • Policy improvement: given the utility estimates so far, find the best policy
  • The steps are as follows:

    1. Compute utility/value of the policy \(U^{\pi}\)
    2. Update \(\pi\) to be a greedy policy w.r.t. \(U^{\pi}\): \[\pi(s) \leftarrow \arg\max_a \sum_{s^\prime} P(s^\prime|s,a)U^{\pi}(s^\prime)\]
    3. If the policy changed then return to step \(1\)
  • Policy improves each step and converges to the optimal policy \(\pi^{*}\)

Policy iteration(source: sutton, chap 4)

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